The block is marked with two 5/8" bands. The first from the right is the center and the last is the end of the ball.I know I could have simply started with a 1 1/4" thick block but I like to have some room to play if I decide to change the size of the ball. Usually I like a ball just over two inches in diameter and half that thickness. Your taste may vary and sometimes the type of wood calls for a different size. My wife is a quilter. She understands.
The right end is turned round as a bead leaving a flat around the center with a 7/8" to 1" diameter. This will later be the seat for the icicle.
The left end is parted in to a diameter of 1" This will later be the seat for the top. I like to give it a touch of undercut. It looks heavy but once the ball is hollowed it works well.
The ball is finish turned into a bead with large ends.
Then it is sanded to about 600 grit. After that I seal this pin cherry with some shellac and sand to about 1200 grit. Overkill can look good.
I finish with turner's polish. (1 part shellac, 1 part denatured alcohol, and 1 part double boiled linseed oil. I make the shellac by covering flakes with enough denatured alcohol to just cover them and shake to disolve.) If I later decide to spray the ornaments with lacquer the turner's polish does not seem to hurt at all.