Now trick #3, flip the piece end for end again and flatten the bottom while tapering the tenon as much as possible. My tool of choice is a 3/16" Oland tool but I have often used a 1/4" spindle gouge. Any catches with the spindle gouge can be spectacular, but it does work well. Try to get the tenon down to 1/4" or less but watch it closely. The tail center may cause the tenon to split. If it does so, stop and remove the wood from the lathe. | |
Now the final two tricks. Hold the piece in your hand with the bottom up. Sweep the shaft of a heavy tool such as that 3/16" Oland we have been using, along the bottom, knocking off the small tenon. | |
Flip it again and use the handle of the tool to strike the tenon in the center of the bowl, knocking it loose. | |
Paint the outside of the bowl with end sealer such as Anchorseal and set it to dry. | |
Here is the rest of the bowl blank. | |
and a few more drying and waiting to be finished. |
If this is a help, please let me know how it turned out.
roughing bowls: inside, outside, removing tenons
bowls: roughing, finish turning, sanding, home ,
© 2015 copyright Darrell Feltmate, Around the Woods