Around the Woods

Our Trip to the Rockies - 2006 (5)

"We were ignored by the animals, but the people were great!"

The Ice Fields are a vast river of glacier. I say vast but they have backed up better than a mile since they were first dicovered.
In 1939 this glacier covered all that gravel you see in the foreground. Follow that path on the in the middle to some dots on the ice. Those little dots on the ice are people.
You can get some feel here for the depth of snow on the mountain tops that compresses to form the glaciers.
On the way out we met some mountain goats
at the side of the road.
It was moulting season for them as they lost their winter coats in readiness for summer.
These wild animals simply accept people as part of the ecology and kept on tasting the minerals and salt on the side of the road as we looked on. This is a regular shot, not needing a telescopic lens.

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