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Turning a Natural Edged Bowl Endgrain - Page 3

Sanding the highly spalted endgrain preparing for the finish

The bowl is ready to be sanded

The bowl is ready to be sanded but the spalting determines another difficulty to be overcome.

hard to sand because of tear out

The surface is rough and will be hard to sand because of tear out.

coat the inside and outside with paste wax

I coat the inside and outside with paste wax to ease the sanding. I have no idea why this helps but I know that the wax will speed up the first sanding immensely. The wax I am using is a blend of 2 parts mineral oil, to 2 parts vegetable oil to 1 part bee's wax. In this case I will start with 60 grit and proceed all the way to 2000.

sanded and ready for the finish

The bowl is sanded and ready for the finish.

a good surface

A good finish demands a good surface.