Around the Woods

Turning a Pair of Angel Wings

"Getting by on a wing and a prayer."

I am not really sure what to call these figures. They are not really winged or natural edged bowls because there is not enough "bowl" in the center. The reason for turning is to turn the wing shape and "angel wing" sells better for me than just "wing." This would be considered an intermediate project, I think, but if you have turned a bowl that is really all this is, a bowl with a lot of air instead of wood in the sides. woodturning angel wing image
Here I have mounted a very dry piece of oak, about 6" long and 2 1/2" diameter, between centers on my Craftsman lathe. It is roughly perpendicular to the lathe bed and close to centered on the diameter of the log. woodturning angel wing image
Turning at about 1200 rpm, the shape is roughed and the bottom flattened to receive a glue block. I do not bother to remove any of the inside at this time. woodturning angel wing image
While the glue gun heats the nub at the bottom of the piece is chiseled off and the glue block prepared on a face plate. woodturning angel wing image
With the glue block mounted and the piece returned to the lathe, it is ready to continue. Here I have placed it on my Record bowl lathe because I like to work with face plate shapes on it. I could have mounted it to the Craftsman. A bowl lathe is not necessary, just nice. woodturning angel wing image
The outside is turned and ready for sanding. This lathe has three speeds chosen by moving a belt. I will both turn and sand this piece at 1200 rpm. The only tool used is a 1/4" Oland tool and a parting tool to remove the piece from the glue block. woodturning angel wing image
The inside is turned and ready to sand. I power sand working my way up to 2000 grit. It may be a bit excessive given the porous nature of the oak, but it only takes a minute or two for each grit after 120, and I like the look. woodturning angel wing image
The piece is sanded and ready for a coat of tung oil before parting off the lathe. To part from a hot glue block, just part in with a standard parting tool to about an inch or a bit less in diameter, stop the lathe, and gently pry the piece away. The friction of the parting cut will soften the hot glue just enough to release it. woodturning angel wing image
Here it is again with that coat of tung oil, as well as with two of it friends, one in oak and the other in maple. woodturning angel wing image
woodturning angel wing image woodturning angel wing image

Have fun and if you try one let me know how it works out.

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